
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This Can't Be Good

...from Calculated Risk, click post title for the rest of the article...


  1. Interesting to note two points:
    1. The disproportionate breath and depth of the 2007 graph line, Red being an appropriate color.
    2. That this statistical illustration came out in 2007 about the time Obama walked into office. I don't think the American public appreciates the economic down slide this country was on as mush as the administration attempts to speak to the inherited recession.
    I think the Bush administration and Wall Street should be brought to trial for reckless endangerment of the country.

  2. ...not the case, the 2007 line marks the start of the recession/depression as 32 months ago (24 plus 8), it is a current plot...

    ..and, the real problems started long fact, with the Clinton administration's relaxation of banking regulations (repeal of Glass-Steagall) Graham, Leach, Bliley Act

    ...and the choice to not regulate the Over the Counter derivatives market

    ...all the while added and abetted by Alan (Bubbles) Greenspan...including his "conundrum"...remember Greenspan was an old disciple of Ayn Rand...
