
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire

I put this up on The Big Picture blog last sure to check the link, which is a lecture given at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is very good (available as text or as mp3 audio)...regarding currency debasement amongst other niceties...the more things change, the more they stay the same...

Wes Schott Says:

Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire

‘To look at the mentality of the Roman emperors, we can look just at the advice that the Emperor Septimius Severus gave to his two sons, Caracalla and Geta. This is supposed to be his final words to his heirs. He said, “live in harmony; enrich the troops; ignore everyone else.” Now, there is a monetary policy to be marveled at!’

...the ruling elite staying in power at all cost…i think i hear something rhyming

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