
Friday, August 27, 2010

Greetings from Idiot America

Creationism. Intelligent Design. Faith-based this. Trust-your-gut that. There's never been a better time to espouse, profit from, and believe in utter, unadulterated crap. And the crap is rising so high, it's getting dangerous.

By Charles P. Pierce

(click of the title of the post to link to the rest of the article)


  1. we have a housing bubble...

    we had a stock market bubble...

    we are having a bond bubble...

    we have a credit bubble...

    now we have a GIB - Global Idiot Bubble

    it doesn't show up in a google search, yet, but keep using the terminology, once you get used to it you will see how often it can be used in your thought process or in conversation...

    other GIB's turfed up on google...

    GiB Gibibyte (2^30 Bytes)
    Gib Gibibit (2^30 Bits)
    GIB Guy In Back
    GIB Gastrointestinal Bleeding
    GIB Gibraltar, Gibraltar - Gibraltar (Airport Code)
    GIB Good In Bed
    GIB Guaranteed Insurability Benefit
    GIB Global Internet Business
    GIB Granville Island Brewery (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
    GIB Ginsberg's Intelligent Bridge Player (Bridge-playing software)
    GIB Giant Inverted Boomerang (Vekoma made roller coaster)
    GIB General Information Book
    GIB Global Infrastructure Boom
    GIB General Instruction Book
    GIB Gamer's Italian Board
    GIB Group Interface Board

    Let's make sure the Global Idiot Bubble is added to the google search list soon...before it is too late

  2. ...took a couple days, but, looks like risk on is confirming...

    so lightened up the risk off hedges...


    1/3 TLT and 1 TBT
    1/2 SH and 1 SPY

    ...we'll see how Monday looks before any further adjustments...

  3. Unfortunately I have been an observer of the growing national dysfunction but as most of us I simply choose to ignore it and not tune in, commonly a democratic attitude of underestimating and not confronting this Carl Roveian strategy, to its detriment.
    In referring to this phenomenon as the "Global Idiot Bubble" one could anticipate it bursting and correcting the imbalance however I am afraid that with the Digital, Blogging, Cable entertainment driven world we live in it will only get worse.
    This seems like the Ayn Rand theme to me. One could make an analogy to the state of idiot architecture in America.
    "A building has integrity just like a man. And just as seldom."
    Ayn Rand

  4. you old Ayn Rand asshole, you...

    ...there was a great post on TBP re. a GQ article on

    .."2009’s most influential author is a mirthless Russian-American who loves money, hates God, and swings a gigantic dick. She died in 1982, but her spawn soldier on. And the Great Recession is all their fault."

    178 comments of which my only comment was...

    Wes Schott Says:

    November 15th, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    i was too interested surfing (as in waves) and chasing the beach girls down in So Fl as a kid to read very much…so, i did not come across Ayn Rand until after college…i drank the kool aid (of her philosophy).

    i was in a meeting once, circa 1979, while working for a major oil company that also had a bunch of coast guard guys in attendance. we were trying to get the deepwater oil bidness going, and being an ocean engineer, i was interested in designing and building the floating platforms that would provide the surface “real estate” to allow these types of projects to be realized.

    there were few codified engineering practices that covered what we were trying to do since their was no precedents. there were federal rules and regulations primarily pertaining to safety of life at sea and the USCG guys were spewing off about CFR 1.2.3, and Regulations 4.3.2 section 4 pp 15 or whatever – stuff i had not even heard about, but they did this with bureaucratic, self righteous fervor.

    finally, this newly converted ARA could not take it anymore, and, to the horror of the company’s regulatory affairs representative, I stood up in the meeting and said that these guys (the Coast Guard dudes) were “like leaches on the backs of productive members of society, growing like a cancer….”

    …the kool aid has long since been pissed out of my system……what a flashback…..i enjoyed the send up

  5. "Who is John Galt" my friend?
    It is a matter of a mans conviction that one does simple piss away.

  6. It is a matter of a mans conviction that one does NOT simply Piss away.

  7. ...understand, understand very well...

    pissing away the idealism, and to some extent, "false" idealism of youth does not mean compromising one's integrity, virtue, or acquired knowledge...which can lead to greater conviction...or, in some, greater self doubt...(please refer to QOTD, btw) love, as always

  8. I would think of it more as naive or perhaps innocent idealism not "false" idealism. Who were you quoting?

  9. ...i like that characterization better - more accurate, innocence not falsehood...

    QOTD (upper rhs of blog, changes everyday), todays quote...

    "Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly raises one person above another."
    Joseph Addison 1672-1719, British Essayist, Poet, Statesman

  10. Imperfect, yes - like all of us, but Ayn Rand did espouse some truly high morals with great clarity. Global Idiot Bubble... accurate depiction, but it's sure depressing.
