
Friday, February 26, 2010

Design Matters

My Passion is Design, in all its forms.
As my contribution to the Matrix I will provide discoveries and links to "intelligent design" that I hope will inspire your work and perceptions and generate insightful comments and cross references with topics that interest you.


  1. excellent, now were coming together...

    ...although intelligent design means different things to different people,

    i know the kind of ID, which you refer mr zen

  2. A passion that I share, so I'm much looking forward to that.

    As long as intelligent design means different things to different intelligent people, then we should be able to cope with it.

    P.S. This note was typed while looking at my still wonderful I.H. Pei "floating" platform bed. Can't include a picture with a comment. Later.

  3. I.H Pei? That must be I.M Pei's half brother?

    Take a tour of the Louve with Mr. Pei.

    I do believe Wes is familiar with this eternal pyramid.

  4. Sorry, not his half brother of course. Just a simple case of an identified addict of hungry ghosts making a stupid typo. Cool clip.

  5. I M Pei

    J P Morgan Chase Tower

    originally Texas Commerce Tower

    Downtown Houston

    Tallest building west of the Mississippi (was, if not still is)

    I can remember when it was under construction, opened in 1981

    I also remember "inspecting" the site with FE while it was under construction
