
Friday, April 13, 2012

Richard Russell

Save some cash, load up with gold and silver, and be patient.  Get ready for a crime wave -- a large segment of the population will do ‘whatever it has to’ in order to obtain food.  Hungry men and women can be desperate and lawless.

“If the government does not supply any additional stimulus, but it does supply additional massive QE’s, this will be a long, drawn-out situation, probably not becoming toxic until the years 2015 to 2017.  This period will ultimately see pressure on the dollar with an accompanying collapse of stocks and bonds. 

Start by buying top-grade dividend-paying stocks -- and gold on dips or corrections, and hold your gold.  This era will see the catastrophic collapse of all fiat money.  Gold should skyrocket.  Get ready for crime and violence.

If the government does provide a large round of stimulus ... (we) will see the end of fiat money and probably a new monetary system and a new governmental system.  Europe and Asia will both go through chaos.  Immigration to the US will be huge. 

The eurozone will come apart.  The barter system will be king.  Real estate, gold, silver and diamonds will be the main vehicles of wealth (along with weapons).  Start now watching the stocks of Sturm Ruger (below) and Smith & Wesson.

Russell advice -- For ultimate safety over the long pull, buy and own bullion gold, silver, and gem quality diamonds as well as collectible treasures.  If you don't believe me on collectibles, check the prices they are going for at auctions.

I have posted a daily chart of weapons-maker Sturm Ruger below. I think this bullish chart is telling us something (and what it's saying is rather disquieting).”

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