
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fiat leads to more Fiat

March 11

There is an undeniable fact with significant consequences:  Today money is lent into existence; the outstanding interest for that very loan is not....

Therefore, ‘stability’ in a debt based monetary system requires new money to be continually loaned into existence, otherwise a shortage of currency to service the debt will occur.  This leads to an imperative need for:

 Exponential Money Supply Growth

 Exponential Credit/Debt Growth

 Exponential Nominal GDP Growth (Accomplished through productivity increases and/or price inflation)

Leaving this exponential path feels like going cold turkey and lets us cry for our monetary drug dealers, begging to bring us back to the exponential credit expansion.  This becomes more and more relevant as the curve of the money supply/debt starts becoming steeper and ‘goes exponential.’

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