Extraordinary powerful and influential individual during his 20 year tenure as head of the Fed Reserve. In his book Griftopia, Matt Taibbi declares Greenspan the "Biggest Asshole in the Universe" recounted his role in "laying the intellectual foundation for a generation of orgiastic greed and overconsumption" and the power shift "from elected government to private and semiprivate institutions." Making the Fed into a "permanent Bailout Mechanism for the super-rich."
Extraordinary powerful and influential individual during his 20 year tenure as head of the Fed Reserve. In his book Griftopia, Matt Taibbi declares Greenspan the "Biggest Asshole in the Universe" recounted his role in "laying the intellectual foundation for a generation of orgiastic greed and overconsumption" and the power shift "from elected government to private and semiprivate institutions." Making the Fed into a "permanent Bailout Mechanism for the super-rich."